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QuaranTEENenglish – versíró verseny

Elek Dóra 7/5 osztályos tanuló országos 1. helyezést ért el a QuaranTEENenglish angol nyelvi verseny Poetry/versírás kategóriájában a fels? tagozatosok között.

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A versenyt a Pápai Pet?fi Sándor Gimnázium szervezte, témája a digitális oktatás volt. A versenyen versírás, címlap, mém, képregény és mozgókép kategóriákban készíthettek a diákok pályamunkákat.

Dóri a fels? tagozatosok között nyerte meg a versírás kategóriáját.

Tanára: Czene-Kákóczky Szilvia.

Gratulálunk a szép eredményhez és sok sikert kívánunk a jöv? évi versenyekhez is.

During online education,
there were many beautiful and difficult moments.
All people through one window,
watched the rising sun.

We didn't meet friends,
there was less drama,
and so it came true
the dream of antisocials.

We have moved away from many souls,
we came close to many souls,
and not looking into each other's eyes,
we sent / did not send the messages.

Now we've seen them again,
but this is another being.
No one is the same
changed the world, being.

Old friends are leaving
angrily side by side,
they don't talk, they just walk,
with a great deficit in their hearts.

They quarrel, sad,
but they do not speak.
Yes ... they were disappointed in each other,
but this painful world is sometimes life.

But many other people
found a new friend
even for a homework,
even because he was waiting wearily.

They started talking, laughing,
they stared at the screen, together, day length.
They helped each other happily,
and their friendship just soared.

Now, at school,
among people,
people's eyes are talking, whispering,
to one who understands.

They show a lot of pain,
depression, laughter,
Since life has changed
waking up in the morning became different.

We fought demons,
on our side with angels.
We have discovered a new world,
country of wonderful miracles.

And seeing the moon in the evening,
getting back in,
standing, waiting for an answer,
unanswered questions.

It was hard, would you go back?
Believe me you are not alone
there are those who have enjoyed
and maybe I'm there among them.

Much freetime,
lots and lots of sleep
eating whenever you want
you can study while lying in bed.

Without people alone,
locked up with your family
to suffer by learning alone,
slowly already going crazy.

The new system give and took,
moments, memories,
nightmares, dreams,
mysterious questions.

No big deal
here are a few examples
Are you having a lesson now? Are You having a teacher now?
When? How to say hello?

Or here are the words
one word questions:
When? With who? How?
Where? Which? What?

These are becoming part of our day,
they dated with us in the morning,
fell asleep (dawn),
and they stayed with us even now.

We just got back,
plenty of freedom,
is it good or bad?
I don't mind.

If you ask me, what was it like online?
All I'm saying is:
It was beautiful, it was good, it's over,
i don't mind because sitting a lot already hurt.

Average: 5 (3 votes)

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